giovedì 29 luglio 2010

Laws of fighting (le leggi del combattimento) di Tim Lajcik

 Se inserite il nome Tim Lajcik nella casella di ricerca, troverete quanto già era stato scritto su questo fighter, veterano dello UFC e di eventi giapponesi, ma già prima wrestler e pugile dilettante di eccellente livello, oltre che coach di successo.
Tim Lajcik, a 45 anni, tornerà a combattere ad Agosto, dopo 8 anni di inattività. 
Un rientro come ce ne sono tanti forse, ma la persona merita attenzione per stile, classe, cultura e competenza.
Suggerisco le 10 "leggi" che Tim Lajcik propone per chi combatte. E' in inglese, ma vale la pena leggerlo.
E magari dare un'occhiata al blog
Lajcik's Laws of Fighting #1: Conditioning is an Offensive Weapon
While most fighters are content to attain a level of fitness that enables them to go the distance in a fight, you must approach training with the conviction that conditioning will become your most potent weapon.
It's not enough to simply "last", you must train to dominate. Prepare mentally and physically to maintain a level of intensity and relentlessness that your opponent is unable or unwilling to sustain.
From a conditioning standpoint, make it your objective to push your opponent to the point where he wants out of the fight just as badly as you want to take him out. At that moment he begins fighting two people, you and himself, and usually succumbs to defeat soon thereafter.
In some of the Laws that follow I will give a general outline of the type and progression of training necessary to reach the level of conditioning I'm describing. Certainly it doesn't come easily. Still, if the degree of physical and mental intensity I'm suggesting seems out of your grasp, try thinking in these terms:

In each exchange, flurry or scramble for position you need only persist 2-3 seconds longer than your opponent.

When striking from the feet, that means throwing the last punch or kick in each exchange. When grappling, execute the last counter in every flurry or out-hustle your opponent by 2-3 seconds in each scramble for position. Two to three seconds. Consciously make the commitment to that "throw the last punch" mentality and your body will begin to follow.

Lajcik's Laws of Fighting #2: Develop your conditioning gradually and progressively
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Effective training involves a continual process of overload and adaptation. That is, consistent workouts produce a stress (overload) that your body seeks to alleviate by growing stronger and more fit (adaptation).
As your physical capacity improves, more is required (i.e. you must run faster, lift heavier weights, spar longer or with greater intensity) to overload your system and affect further positive physiological adaptations. Unless you gradually ask more from your body, your training will yield minimal improvement.
However, if you push too hard, too quickly you risk overtraining or injury. For this reason, "fighting shape" is best attained in a systematic, step-by-step manner. My training typically encompasses four distinct stages: (1) base conditioning, (2) intensive preparation, (3) pre-fight restoration and (4) post-fight recovery. Because each fighter has individual needs and limitations, and different types of training equipment at his disposal, I'll offer a general guideline of what each phase entails, rather than give specific exercise prescriptions.
The goal of the base conditioning phase of the training cycle is to build up the cardiovascular system, lung capacity, and muscular strength and endurance. The bulk of your aerobic conditioning should be performed at 65-80% of your maximum heart rate for periods of 20-60 minutes. This is also the period to focus most intently on addressing and correcting any technical weaknesses you may have, as well as adding new fighting skills. The base conditioning stage can last anywhere from 2-16 weeks, depending on several factors, including your current level of fitness and whether you have a bout scheduled in the near future. 

Lajcik's Laws of Fighting #3: In training, as in competition, you must frequently thrust into pain
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As you approach extreme levels of physical exertion your body will naturally send a sensation of discomfort to your brain in an effort to convince you to slow down. Your body is geared towards homeostasis and prefers to stay within the parameters of moderate exertion. If you become anxious and reflexively pull back every time you experience the pain of fatigue, you will never actualize your potential as a fighter. Understand that your body's capacity is always greater than your mind is initially willing to concede.
Take this example. Many years ago I read an article in a powerlifting magazine extolling the benefits of a weight training routine centered around a twenty-repetition set of squats. The author suggested loading the bar with a weight that would normally be a challenge for ten reps, then squat it twenty times. The first time I read this idea I naturally resisted accepting it, thinking "if I can only squat a given weight ten times, how can I expect to squat the same weight for twenty repetitions?" In the end, though, I decided to suspend logic and commit myself to this twenty-rep principle. Here's what happened:
I loaded the bar with 455 pounds, a weight that was typically a challenge for me to complete ten repetitions. Before taking the bar onto my shoulders I resolved I would perform twenty reps, fixing that goal in my mind. I grasped the bar, touched my forehead to the center knurling, took a deep breath, positioned myself under bar, then lifted it from the rack. Absolutely focused on the destination of twenty I completed the first ten deep squats rather mechanically without any real strain. My legs and back still feeling strong, I remained resolute as I entered uncharted territory, methodically completing another four repetitions before I began to feel fatigue. The next three reps required great concentration. I took them one at a time, reaffirming my resolve for the next squat at the completion of the previous one. After the seventeenth rep my hands were numb and my thighs began to shake. I was too close, however, and quitting was not even a remote consideration. I entered another realm, one I've since revisited many times in training and competition. I let go and simply allowed myself to be pulled towards my goal. Not only did I accept the pain of fatigue, with something akin to rapture, I thrust myself into it…18…19… then 20!

The body itself may require only a few of months of hard training to get fit. The rest of the time you're building your spirit- your guts- so that they'll work for you in a fight without your thinking about it.
Lajcik's Laws of Fighting #5: Train Around Injuries
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Intelligent preparation and good, mindful sparring partners can minimize the risk of getting hurt, but occasional injuries are inherent to combative sports. Trying "gut it out" and train through injuries only prolongs the time it takes to heal and puts you at risk for even more serious injury. There's also the likelihood that you will unconsciously develop bad technical habits as you alter your mechanics to avoid painful movements or positions.

Your first order of business is to have a good team of health care professionals on your side to help you properly assess the nature of your injury, how to rehabilitate it, and how to return to fight-preparedness as quickly as possible.
At the same time, you generally want to maintain or improve as best you can your fitness and skill level while recovering from an injury. One way to do that is to continue to stay as active as reasonable while you heal. Though an injury may temporarily force you out of your regular training routine, typically you don't have to experience a long-term loss of conditioning. Find alternative methods of training while on the mend.

What follows are examples of general injury sites and creative ways to "train around" them without significant loss in conditioning levels, and allowing, in most cases, a faster return to normal training:
Upper-body Injury: Swim with kickboard; Stationary cycle; Elliptical machine; Hiking; Stair climbing; Lower-body resistance machines; Training unaffected limb.
Lower-body Injury: Swim with pull buoy; Upper-body resistance training; Upper-body ergometer; Seated punching on heavy bag; Seated speed bag work; Training unaffected limb.
Also, the time spent recovering from an injury often allows an opportunity to address neglected or less familiar skills. For example, as a college junior I suffered a serious knee injury in a football game that ended my season. The team doctor told me that my career as a competitive athlete was likely finished. I was pretty shaken up by the doctor's assessment and the day after my cast was removed I began doing heavy squats on my unstable knee. Panicked at the prospect of losing the thing I loved most, I gravitated towards the type of physical training I knew and did best even though it surely undermined the healing process.
Lajcik's Laws of Fighting #6: Breathe deeply
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Of all the skills I've developed, learning to breathe deeply has given me the greatest return relative to the time and effort invested. One advantage of deep diaphragmatic breathing is obvious- you simply take in more replenishing oxygen. Another benefit, often overlooked, is that breathing deeply, when practiced regularly, is effective in reducing anxiety, muscle tension, fatigue and stress. When a fighter feels tense or overexcited he will often react by either holding his breath or taking rapid, shallow breaths from the upper chest. Both of these responses tend to create even more tension and lead to impaired performance. Studies have demonstrated time and again that a person cannot occupy opposing physiological and emotional states. That is, an anxious mind cannot exist in a relaxed body; nor, can a quiet mind exist in a tense body.
Lie down on the floor and put a book on your abdomen. It should rise and fall as you breathe. If it doesn't, you're not breathing fully enough to produce the relaxation response. Now, replace the book with one hand on your abdomen and the other on your chest. Breathe in through the nose, out through the mouth. Notice how they rise when you breathe in and fall when you breathe out. Most people in Western culture tend to be shallow "chest-breathers". That is, when they inhale only the chest rises and falls.
During inhalation, the diaphragm should move down, pushing the abdomen out and creating space in the lungs. The lungs fill with air from the bottom up. Practice breathing with this focus: push the diaphragm out, forcing the abdomen out. Fill your lungs with air starting at the bottom, and slowly expanding through the middle portion of the lungs by expanding your chest cavity, raising the rib cage and chest. Finally, continue filling the upper portion of the lungs by raising the chest and shoulders. During the exhalation, pull the abdomen in and lower the chest and shoulders to empty the lungs in a "sigh". Let go of all muscular action at the end of the exhalation to promote relaxation in the chest and abdomen.

When I was first exposed to diaphragmatic breathing I consciously adopted a practice of mindfully taking five deep breaths every time I saw a clock or watch throughout the day. This seemed a good way to practice, first, because seeing a clock or watch was a fairly common and regular occurrence, so I was able to get a lot of practice repetitions each day. And secondly, often when I looked to see the time it was because I was in a hurry or running late for an appointment. This gave me the opportunity to practice breathing in mildly stressful situations.

While the exercises can be learned in a few minutes with immediate benefits, persistent practice will produce maximum results. Deep breathing can also be used in conjunction with other strategies such as the meditation or visualization exercises noted in Law #10.

Lajcik's Laws of Fighting #7: Your well-conceived offense has a built-in defense
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This basic notion permeates my fighting style as well as every individual technique I use and teach. Because its relevance is so broad, however, it has proven to be a difficult concept for me to articulate in writing.
My objective in every fight is simple- to defeat my opponent as quickly and decisively as possible, while incurring the least possible amount of damage to myself.
This involves integrating my offense and defense- using offensive techniques that don't leave me exposed or vulnerable to my opponent's simultaneous or counter attacks. Straight punches originate and end at cheek level, out and back on a line so that the shoulder directly involved in the punch protects one side of the face, while the opposite hand protects the other side.
Or, when I throw a left hook my right hand pulls back hard to cover the right side of my face. This not only adds snap to my punch, it also protects me from my opponent's left hook, which is the most common threat in that situation. By using offensive techniques that are defensively sound, you can attack with aggressive confidence, unafraid of taking punishment when you engage.If you lack confidence in your defense you'll generally adopt one of two fighting modes:
1) Point-karate mode, where you lean back to avoid your opponent's strikes even as you're attempting to throw punches. In doing so you effectively negate the force of your punches, rendering them meaningless. Or,

2) Caveman mode, where you abandon any semblance of defense, grit your teeth, and desperately flail in an attempt to knock your opponent out before he knocks you out.

I suppose this Law could just have easily been written as "your defense has a built-in offense," for it's not enough to just block an opponent's punch or avoid his takedown attempt. Your opponent will simply regroup and attack again, often with even greater resolve. Instead, always try to make sure your opponent feels a negative consequence for throwing a punch or attempting a takedown in the first place. Block, slip or weave each punch, then immediately counter punch while your opponent is extended. Or, when he attempts to take you to the ground, don't be content to simply avoid the takedown. Use your hips to crush his position, then work to secure the takedown yourself. Not only will you double the opportunities to score against your opponent, but your actions will have a lingering defensive effect. Think about it. If your opponent is always paying a price for mounting an offense, he may have second thoughts about initiating an attack as the fight goes on.

When I consider making a technique part of my arsenal, the technique must satisfy three criteria. First, it must have the potential to hurt or create an opening to inflict damage to my opponent. Second, it shouldn't present a defensive liability. And third, it must leave me in a position to continue attacking.
Lajcik's Laws of Fighting #8: Never underestimate your opponent
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I'll keep this short. Always expect your opponent to be damned tough and prepare yourself accordingly. It is always better to bring your absolute best to a fight and find that it's more than enough, than to give less than your utmost and discover that it's too little. When victory is at stake you owe your best effort. Anything less is disrespectful to both your opponent and yourself.
Lajcik's Laws of Fighting #9: Disregard your opponent's reputation or ranking
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While it's certainly a mistake to underestimate a rival, it's equally important not to succumb to intimidation when facing an opponent with impressive credentials. As you develop and move up the pecking order as a fighter it's likely and completely desirable that you'll encounter a higher level of competition. You'll face fighters you've read about, seen on television, perhaps even those that you've admired and sought to emulate.

Listen, fighting a good opponent is difficult enough. Don't compound the difficulty by battling the opponent and his lofty reputation. Focusing excessively on your opponent's past accomplishments usually leads to one or more of the following responses:

1) You convince yourself you can't win, in which case you almost assuredly won't.

2) You convince yourself that you can only win by doing something extraordinary, so you attempt techniques you're not familiar with or force ill-timed or exaggerated techniques out of desperation. Or,
3) While in the fight you spend more time watching your opponent than fighting him. Enthralled with his reputed skill you watch and wonder what he's going to do next. Instead of making your opponent deal with you, you become entirely reactive or, worse, passive.

Take heart. Every true champion has reached his position by beating a champion. The process is no different for you. Rather than allowing a phantom factor like "reputation" influence the fight's outcome, remind yourself to fight your opponent's body, not his name. By doing so you'll avoid distraction and self-doubt and simply focus your every fiber on defeating the man in front of you.
Lajcik's Laws of Fighting #10: Obliterate self-doubt
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Never discount the power of your thoughts. Pre-fight anxiety and self-doubt can wear you down physically and emotionally, making you feel as though you've fought three fights before the actual bout ever begins. Adequate preparation will prevent many potential uncertainties and worries, but oftentimes a few nagging doubts persist. I've found it helpful to adopt the following pre-fight ritual to assuage those lingering fears.
A few hours before a fight I'll sit alone and quietly reflect on all the reasons I might have for giving a less-than-peak performance.The twinge of pain in my shoulder, the three days of training I missed due to a case of the flu, the pressure of other people's expectations- every negative thought that enters my mind; I acknowledge and mentally take note of each one. Eyes closed, I vividly imagine writing each and every defeatist thought on a sheet of paper. When I've completed my "list" I review it once more to make certain I haven't overlooked any situation or condition, real or imagined, that might potentially undermine my performance. In my mind every negative factor leading to the fight is there on that paper in black and white. Then, I imagine crumpling up the list in my hands and throwing it into a fire. I watch as it burns and the negative thoughts go up in smoke. They're gone, the emergency brake of self-doubt gets released, and my conviction to win becomes absolute. This practice of mentally imagery has consistently helped me perform at a high level in situations where circumstances were less than ideal, including wrestling in the NCAA Championships days after extensive reconstructive facial surgery, and competing in the Ultimate Fighting Championship two weeks after an emergency appendectomy. Combining psychological preparation with physical training will help make even your "bad" days better than most fighters' good ones.

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